

East Asia International Buddhist Youth Exchange 2017

East Asia International Buddhist Youth Exchange 2017
"Compassion in Practice" -Walking Dharma Together-
The 6th Anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, JAPAN
  • Date: March 9 - 12 B.E. 2560 (2017)
  • Hosted by: All Japan Young Buddhist Association
  • Organized by: The World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth
  • Contact Information: ibye2017japan@gmail.com

Tentative Program

March 9 (Thursday)
10:00– Arrival
15:00 Registration
APA Villa Hotel "Sendai eki-Itsutsubashi"
16:00 Opening Ceremony
17:00 Orientation
Seigetsuki Shintera
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Ice Break
22:00 Closing
March 10 (Friday)
6:30 Morning Service at Temple (Tokusen-ji Temple)
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Tohoku University
11:00 Lunch
Sendai International Center
12:00 Opening of JYBA National Convention
14:00 Panel Discussion on Post Disaster Buddhist Initiatives
18:30 Banquet
21:00 Back to Hotel
22:00 Closing
March 11(Saturday)
6:30 Morning Service at Temple (Gudon-in Temple)
7:30 Breakfast
9:30 Worship at a Temple and Shinto shrine, Visit to the disaster area
Prayer / Serving warm food to the community
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Koshoji Temple
14:00 The 6th Anniversary Ceremony of the Great East Japan Earthquake
15:00 Memorial Concert
16:30 Hotel
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Group Session – Farewell Party
22:00 Closing
March 12(Sunday)
6:30 Morning Service
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Departure